Saturday, June 1, 2013

Trovata associazione tra consumo di carboidrati con alto carico glicemico e il rischio di ictus- Found association between consumption of carbohydrates with high glycemic load and the risk of stroke

Una ricerca dell’Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori di Milano ha infatti dimostrato che l’alto consumo di questa sostanza – così come tutti i carboidrati con alto carico glicemico, come pane bianco, pizza e riso – aumenta il rischio di ictus di addirittura il 68%. Lo studio che lo dimostra, apparso sulle pagine di PLoS One, si chiama EPICOR ed è satellite del grande studio oncologico EPIC (European Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition) svolto in Italia su oltre 47000 volontari a cui l’istituto partecipa insieme ad altri 22 centri in 10 paesi Europei. Il lavoro ha analizzato proprio l’associazione tra dieta e incidenza delle malattie cardiovascolari in Italia. (fonte)

A search of the National Cancer Institute of Milan has shown that high consumption of this substance - as well as all carbohydrates with high glycemic load, such as white bread, pizza and rice - increases the risk of stroke by as much as 68% . The study demonstrates that appeared on the pages of PLoS One, is called Epicor and is the largest satellite oncology EPIC study (European Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition) held in Italy on over 47,000 volunteers in which the school participates along with other 22 centers in 10 European countries. The work has analyzed the association between your diet and incidence of cardiovascular disease in Italy.

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